Are Taller Chiropractors Better in Sacramento CA?

Is A Taller Chiropractor in Sacramento CA Better Than A Smaller One? (3-minute read)
If you frequent our Sacramento CA Chiropractor Office you may have noticed that all three of our chiropractors are pretty tall.
We actually had one of our Doctors mention in a podcast that being taller was very helpful for us because he and our other doctors are able to more easily get leverage on difficult adjustments.
This does not necessarily mean that the height of the practitioner is a determining factor in their ability to provide quality care.
A funny consequence of the podcast is that we had several people ask if a taller chiropractor is better?
Frankly, we always encourage patients (and readers) to focus on finding a chiropractor who is right for YOU and can correct your problems, NOT the tallest chiropractor.
What actually determines whether a chiropractor is better is:
- training
- skills and techniques
- experience
- ability to find the root of the problem (if you can not accurately diagnose, you can not treat as precisely)
Although a chiropractor may have an advantage if they are taller it does not necessarily mean they are the best chiropractor for YOU.
We obviously have colleagues that are not as tall as us but are extraordinarily competent.
If you want to learn more about how to best determine what chiropractor is right for you we recommend checking out this article we wrote about that topic.
It's understandable to wonder if a taller chiropractor might be better suited for the job.
The reality of the situation is that physical size is not a limiting factor in providing effective care.
A chiropractor's experience, education, skill, and commitment to helping their patients achieve their health goals is what really matters.
So, whether your chiropractor is tall or short, what's important is that they are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care.
Thanks For Reading
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Clinically reviewed by Steven Barham, D.C.
- Updated on March 17, 2023
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2:00pm - 5:45pm
8:00am - 10:45am
7:15am - 11:45am
2:00pm - 5:45pm
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Barham Chiropractic
3441 Arden Wy
Sacramento, CA 95825